Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Graf 6

                How am I unique? Am I not like everyone else?  Do I not live the same hum drum life that everyone else lives?  Is my life not the same as everyone else I see?  I do not have a fancy car or an adventure filled life.  Besides my DNA, I am just like everyone else.  Forget that thought;  I am unique!
I am an individual unlike any other placed on this earth.  I am an Assistant Store Manager that hates to charge students too much for their textbooks.  I understand the challenges faced by these students because I am one myself.  However, I am treated as the enemy and as if I could never understand what they are going through.  I am unique because I am able to take the attitudes and let it roll off my shoulders without letting their attitudes ruin my day.
  I spend my weekdays in the bookstore and my weekends as an Emergency Medical Technician; hoping to help others in their time of need.  I am willing to jump out of bed at three in the morning because my neighbor is having a medical emergency.  I will always get up when my pager goes off.  I am unique because I am willing to give of myself when most others are only willing to take.
I am a full time student, an employee at three separate jobs, a husband and a soon to be father. Even though my son will not be born for another month, I want to set an example for him and those who know me.  I want people to know that hard work really does pay off.  I want to be an example of determination and dedication.  I want people to understand that you must work hard for all that you have and things are not just handed to you.  Even though there may be many like me, I am unique. 


  1. Why is this not posting in the format that I type it? So frustrating! Also, why can't I post a comment under my own name and not just "anonymous?"

  2. Hey anonynick--

    Blogger has just recently changed the way it allows posts and it is a serious pain in the ass for me. I don't know the all the answers, but the quick workaround for me is that I have to sign into blogger every time (didn't used to have to do that) and tell blogger NOT to save my login. That allows me to post on my google account.


    If I don't do that, some templates offer me the chance to post under name/url (yours does), so you can just type in 'nick huff' there and post.

    Blogger does not save word processing program formats, just a fact. Double space between grafs if you are working in Word, then copy and paste, and it will look fine.

  3. Sorry, I meant comment in graf 3 above, not post.

  4. Whew, reading this--it sounds like you need 26 hours in a day at a minimum just to be the unique NH you are.

  5. Wow nick, it sounds like you are a very hard worker and your going to set an awesome example for your son. Congratulations!
