Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Example Essay Intro

                The silence is broken by a loud tone coming from the black box that is clipped to everyone’s side; a familiar voice breaks in to give the next crew up an idea of where they are going and for what reason.  I close my laptop with a sense of frustration; my English 101 work will have to wait a little bit longer.  As my partner and I scurry across the parking lot to the garage, a few white speckles start falling from the sky; “I guess the weatherman was right” are the first words that are muttered from my partner after his brief nap.  We open the garage door, climb into the ambulance and hit the switch to activate our emergency lights and sirens; my adrenalin starts to pump as I mentally prepare myself for the call.  I love my second job for so many reasons!

1 comment:

  1. Seems like it's going to be a cause essay, not an example one. Reasons for liking the job are one thing. Examples of horrific accidents or crew bonding incidents or exciting moments are another and ifferent thing.
