At the first, I was dreading the idea of having to take this course. It’s not that I despise English; it is the fact that I did not think that I could be creative enough to consistently come up with ideas to write about. I really wanted to just ignore the fact that I had to take an English class but, graduation requirements wouldn’t let me. I was locked in, stuck, unable to do anything but take the dreaded English 101!
Class finally started and I settled in behind the flickering screen to attempt my first writing graf. To my surprise, my fingers started to work and the words started to flow across the screen. “Wow,” I thought. I may actually be able to do this. I may actually be able to write well enough to get a decent grade. After posting my first graf to my blog, I patiently wait for the instructor to respond. What will he think? What will he say?
The results were in and I actually did a decent job with my first paper. It seemed that I was on the way to doing alright. Papers were assigned and papers were turned in; all seeming to have a positive response from the mysterious person on the other end of the internet. I was proud of myself for finally taking the challenge and facing my fears. As the essays and grafs were posted, I increasingly became prouder and prouder of myself with the results. Maybe English 101 wasn’t as bad as I expected.
I was a little disappointed in myself half way through the semester when I started to get behind in writing and having a horrible case of writers block. It seemed as if I would never be able to concentrate on doing essays and grafs with all that was going on in my life at the time. I had an even harder time coming up with a subject for my Isearch. I felt like I was going to drown in homework with no hope of ever getting caught up. I had no reason to fear though; with a little guidance and reassurance, I was able to get caught up and even produce (what I think was) a pretty good Isearch.
In the end, I can say that I am proud of myself for the work that I was able to accomplish during English 101. I ended up believing in my own skills and in what can happen when you are determined to finish something. Looking them all over, I can admit that there was some weak papers with not a whole lot of oompf to them but, I feel that there were some equally impressive papers as well. I enjoyed taking English 101 and realized that writing is not as bad as I thought it would be. Bring on the final essay!
Dreading English seems to be a common complaint--for me, it was dreading math, but, then again, I was always an English major kind of guy. Anyway, glad it worked okay for you.