Friday, October 14, 2011

Classification Essay intro 2

                Briefs, Boxers or Boxer Briefs of my!  What is with all the different choices out there for men’s undergarments?  Underwear is underwear, right?  These are three completely different types of men’s undergarments that we all have to make a decision on at some point.  We even may find ourselves changing from one to another for different activities or events.  What’s the deal?  What’s the difference?  From the first fig leaf to the latest product supported by a group of man sized, talking fruit; this concept has changed throughout the ages.  Let us step into the world of men’s comfort and maybe even fashion to figure out the big mystery of which one is better.

1 comment:

  1. My comment on the first intro stands here too. You have a nice & easy way with this kind of writing, but it's not the kind ENG 101 asks for.

    Tell us about the many years you didn't wear underpants and how that felt, tell us about the time you were drunk and shit yourself, tell us about the torn and saggy pair that didn't quite get you through the prom, tell us about how carefully you picked out the pair you wore the night you knew you were going to get naked with your sweetie....
