Wednesday, October 19, 2011

ISearch Progress Report

               I have been thinking about my Isearch paper a lot lately.  I know that I have passed in the first three assignments about what it is, how much I know and what my plan of attack is.  It has been interesting in writing this paper.  I have in a way recorded Collins first two weeks of life in a sort of journal form but, am not sure how to incorporate it into my paper.  I have addressed the topics of about how I have dealt with sleep deprivation, diaper changes, feeding and doctors appointments.  I feel that I am keeping with my topic to an extent but, am not sure if I am heading in the ISearch direction again.  As of now, it seems that most of what I have is through real life, research and living my topic. I should be able to find a way to pull everything together but, still have to find written topics to use as sources. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds realistic, sensible, honest and as if you know what you are doing and have still to do. Questions I can help with?
