Newborn Baby: Surviving the first months.
What do you want to find out about your topic?
What to expect and tips on how to not go insane in the first months What are your questions about the topic?
1. What can I expect?
2. What are some ways to still live your life while living for another?
3. Ways to beat the sleep deprivation?
How does it connect to your life?
I have a son due SOON!
Give three reasons you like the topic
1. It is real personal subject to me.
2. I have been attempting to deal with the unknowns and excitement already.
3. It may give another expectant father some advice so that the don’t go insane like I have.
Give three ways your life might change if you answer your questions
1. I will be able to better manage my personal life while dealing with my sons needs.
2. It will make me a better father and husband
3. My son will think I rock!