Monday, October 10, 2011


       To keep up with a theme, I will go back to my wife warning me not to do something; and me not listening!  She had told me that it would be a very hard fall semester if I took too many classes.  She had reminded me that our son would soon be born and that I already worked three separate jobs.  “I am worried that your grades will slip; maybe only a few classes this semester” she had warned.  Again, I rolled my eyes and responded with a simple, “Don’t worry, I can do this!”  When will I learn that wives can sometimes be right?  I decided to take as many courses that my free time would possibly allow.  Besides, it would take me a million years to graduate if I only took one or two courses per semester.  This was simple enough reasoning for me to an almost full-time course load.  What is an extra on-line English class anyway?  If I had only known what I was getting myself into by signing up for that extra course, things may not be at the point that they are today.  I already had way too many things going on in my life and probably could have held off on signing up for that last minute English 101 class.  How am I ever going to catch up?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure what this is--is it a support graf or an intro graf? Support, I'd guess. So, go ahead asap and put the whole thing together and post it as essay #1, ok?
