Sunday, October 9, 2011

Meta Graf

                I sit here awake for the third night in a row, my four day old son asleep next to me; sure to wake up for some comfort at any minute.  I have told Mommy that I have it covered, Collin is content and I really need to get caught up on some English 101 work.  I ponder over what I really need to do and remember that I am still at the point of needing to get caught up on my cause essay.  I remember that I had done some work on it the night that Angie had gone into labor but, had neglected to post them on my blog.  “F@$%!“ I mumbled under my breath, I was already behind to begin with…F@$%!  I feel a little comfort as I remember that I have the next week off to get caught up; I laugh as my son grunts and what seems like a large amount of built up air escapes from one side or the other of his seven pound body.  I make some last minute changes and stare at the screen, not sure if I am even happy with what I see before me.  I do a quick spell check and then paste my work into my English 101 blog just in time to catch a slight odor in the air and hear the slowly building cry of Collin.  Can you guess what side of him the air escaped from?

1 comment:

  1. I like this quite a bit--unusual metagraf.

    Congratulations on Collin!

    Possibly this graf with a tweak or two would fit into your cause essay about the reasons you're behind?

    Anyway, it's time to get caught up and to finish and post the essay.
