Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reaction to own essays and grafs

                At the first, I was dreading the idea of having to take this course.  It’s not that I despise English; it is the fact that I did not think that I could be creative enough to consistently come up with ideas to write about.  I really wanted to just ignore the fact that I had to take an English class but, graduation requirements wouldn’t let me.  I was locked in, stuck, unable to do anything but take the dreaded English 101!

                Class finally started and I settled in behind the flickering screen to attempt my first writing graf.  To my surprise, my fingers started to work and the words started to flow across the screen.  “Wow,” I thought.  I may actually be able to do this.  I may actually be able to write well enough to get a decent grade.  After posting my first graf to my blog, I patiently wait for the instructor to respond.  What will he think?  What will he say? 

                The results were in and I actually did a decent job with my first paper.   It seemed that I was on the way to doing alright.  Papers were assigned and papers were turned in; all seeming to have a positive response from the mysterious person on the other end of the internet.  I was proud of myself for finally taking the challenge and facing my fears.  As the essays and grafs were posted, I increasingly became prouder and prouder of myself with the results.  Maybe English 101 wasn’t as bad as I expected.

                I was a little disappointed in myself half way through the semester when I started to get behind in writing and having a horrible case of writers block.  It seemed as if I would never be able to concentrate on doing essays and grafs with all that was going on in my life at the time.  I had an even harder time coming up with a subject for my Isearch.  I felt like I was going to drown in homework with no hope of ever getting caught up.  I had no reason to fear though; with a little guidance and reassurance, I was able to get caught up and even produce (what I think was) a pretty good Isearch.

                In the end, I can say that I am proud of myself for the work that I was able to accomplish during English 101.  I ended up believing in my own skills and in what can happen when you are determined to finish something.  Looking them all over, I can admit that there was some weak papers with not a whole lot of oompf to them but, I feel that there were some equally impressive papers as well.  I enjoyed taking English 101 and realized that writing is not as bad as I thought it would be.  Bring on the final essay!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Process Essay

          Most of us have been there at one point in our lives; most likely happening early on in some English class at school.  The night before is spent rehearsing exactly what you want to say while lying awake for a long and sleepless night.  As the time comes near, you can feel your heart start to race, the room seems to get uncomfortably hot and the feeling of being sick lurks in the pits of your stomach.  The teacher finally calls your name and as you walk slowly to the front of the room, you start to sweat uncontrollably; a bugler can be heard playing “Taps” in the far distance.  It is now time for you to deliver that dreaded public speech, how will you ever survive?  I was once that guy, the one who would magically end up sick on days like this.  It wasn’t until I reenlisted for a second tour in the United States Marine Corps that I would learn the tricks to overcoming glossophobia. 
I was off to Marine Corps Recruiters School for seven long weeks of learning all there was about the Marine Corps, how to “sell” it, and even how to speak in front of large crowds.  I soon found out that it really isn’t that bad and came up with a few ways to beat this crazy fear.   My favorite technique was to pick two or three visual points in the room to focus on during the speech.  These points would usually be spots on walls, empty desks or other significant structures that were spread across the room.  I found these areas great for concentrating on instead of the crowd.  It kept me from actually having to make eye contact with anyone in the audience but, gave the illusion that I was.  The points were spread out to make it seem like I was “working the crowd with my eyes.”    For some reason, this worked great to reduce stage fright.  These points helped me to make the crowd disappear; a lot better than the old technique of picturing everyone in their underwear!
Even though impromptu speeches are a valuable tool to have, I do not like them.  My second point would be to always do the work and research on the subject that you are speaking about.  To me, every good presentation ends with a question and answer period. I was always prepared for that one person to believe they were smarter than me.  Not giving them the opportunity to prove that they are is always a good idea!   Having a thorough knowledge of what I talking about also made me feel more comfortable on the podium; being at ease on the podium made me feel like the speech was smoother and structured to a point without being over structured.
“Over structured” you ask?  Yup, I feel that it is very possible; I will explain.  I would always structure my note cards in bullet format and not written out verbatim to keep the speech simple.   Don’t get me wrong, I would still rehearse my talking points before to get an idea of what I wanted to say; just not verbatim.  I found that reading a speech verbatim makes you sound like a monotone robot and keeps your face buried in a paper; effectively putting the audience to sleep.  Bullet format helps prevent you from doing this exact thing, building a more dynamic presentation.  The second reason for using bullets is simple.  I found that if I tried to read a speech verbatim, everything would go great until I stumbled on a punctuation error or some other sort of distraction; never able to fully recover from the slip up and making myself look like a fool.  Bullets helped me to keep from getting distracted after a mistake since they allowed me to have more room to adjust what I saying and recover.
There are many tricks out there that people can teach you to get over the fear of public speaking.  I found that the best way was to actually get on stage and go for it.  With almost everything in life; practice makes perfect.  Practice makes things seem a little less frightening and proves that you will not die of embarrassment if you make a mistake.  So, find some focal points, know something about what you are talking about and use bulleted notes; these are my nuggets of wisdom on public speaking.  If all else fails, remember that there are more people in the audience that would never dare to get up there themselves.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Effect Essay #8

We never really expected to find her that day; we really only planned on getting a few odds and ends from the store.  Who could just walk by and not look at the piles of fur in the little cages anyway?  All rescued and in need of a good home; all with some story to tell on how and where they were found.  She was found in an abandoned house with her mother and siblings, only a few weeks old at the time.  As she lay there in the temporary cage that was set up by the rescue agency, she looks so pathetic.  Her big brown eyes could melt even the coldest of hearts; we knew right then that she was the one.  We ended up getting more than some bread that day; we ended up getting a new member of our family.  We are not sure as to what breed of dog Zoey is but, we do know that she has added so much to our family in character, entertainment and love.

                Zoey has added a new sort of character to our home.  We ensure that she goes with us wherever we go if possible.  Family and friends always are inquiring on how she is doing.  I can always count on Zoey meeting me at the door when I get home; her tail wagging and her body in a tremor of excitement.  I know that she will always fall asleep next to my side of the bed and will eventually decide to move into her bed when she is sure that Mom and Dad are safe and asleep.  On a hot summer day, I know that I can always find her either sunbathing in the yard or stretched out on the kitchen floor, enjoying the cold tiles on her stomach.  She is more than a dog; she is a member of our family.

                At five years old, Zoey still has the energy of a puppy.  Hours can be spent walking her in the yard or throwing a ball for her to fetch.  Good luck getting away from her if she brings you the tug rope.  I can always expect her to talk to me, using random noises that make sense only to her when she is excited and happy. She is the type of dog that always keeps you wondering on what she is going to do next.  I enjoy time spent with her; she is a true example of an animal being man’s best friend.  I have never owned a dog with such an entertaining personality.  Her antics are crazy, she is always great fun and she is more than just a dog; she is a member of our family.

                I am constantly amazed that the love and genuine concern that she always shows to us.  If you are sick, she will refuse to leave your side; your every move is carefully monitored by her watchful eye to ensure that you are doing well.  A bad day never seems so bad when she always seems to know that a hug is in order.  A head placed gently on your knee and a stare from her dark brown eyes can always brighten your day.  I was concerned about Zoey being jealous of Collin when we brought him home but she has been surprisingly attentive to the new addition to our family.  He cries and she is the first one to his side; she can often be seen taking a peek at him, just to make sure that he is doing well.  The love that she shows to me, even after she has received a scolding only proves that she is more than just a dog; she is family.

                I can understand why people say that dog owners tend to live a longer life.  Zoey has been an amazing friend to both me and my wife.  My wife often tells me that Zoey is what kept her sane while I was in Iraq.  I am not sure what would have happened if we had not decided to go to the store that day.  I do believe that she was meant to be our dog, that we needed her as much as she needed us.  There is no doubt in my mind that an animal can love, that they can change the lives of those that own them.  I am thankful that we were able to rescue her that day five years ago. I encourage anyone that is looking for a pet, to visit the local pounds and rescue agencies; these animals will truly show their gratitude to you for helping them.   I truly love that dog because of the fact that she is more than a dog; she is family

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Annotated Bibliography (2)

Just noticed that I still owed this while editing my Isearch...Here are three.

Murkoff, Heidi Eisenberg., Arlene Eisenberg, Sharon Mazel, Sandee Eisenberg.

Hathaway, and Arlene Eisenberg. What to Expect the First Year. New York: Workman

Pub., 2003. Print.

I found this book tucked away in the back of our closet. Given to us as a present almost a

year ago, it has turned into a wealth of knowledge and certainly aided me in this Isearch paper.

"Baby Milestones - Infant and First Year Baby Milestones -" Pregnancy, Babies, Toddlers and Big Kids -, Nov. 2011. Web. 02 Oct. 2011.

This was an interesting website that gave a brief overview of what some major milestones

in child development may be. Still not enough here to answer all my questions about this

particular subject though. 

Numerous, Contributors. "How Do New Parents Cope with Sleep Deprivation?

Parenting Sleep Sleepdeprivation | Ask MetaFilter." Ask MetaFilter | Community Weblog., Aug.-Sept. 2011. Web. 05 Nov. 2011.

Pretty neat page; nothing more than a blog from parents who have gone through the same

ordeal and survived to blog about it. It encompasses many different points of views and


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Example essay

           The silence is broken by a loud tone coming from the black box that is clipped to everyone’s side; a familiar voice breaks in to give the next crew up an idea of where they are going and for what reason. I close my laptop with a sense of frustration; my English 101 work will have to wait a little bit longer. As my partner and I scurry across the parking lot to the garage, a few white speckles start falling from the sky; “I guess the weatherman was right” are the first words that are muttered from my partner after his brief nap. We open the garage door, climb into the ambulance and hit the switch to activate our emergency lights and sirens; my adrenalin starts to pump as I mentally prepare myself for the call. I love my second job for so many reasons; a few examples come to mind when I think of why.

Every Saturday, I would go to the nursing and rehab facility to pick-up my “Saturday morning date,” as she would say; I will call her “Amy” for privacy reasons.  Amy is a lady in her early 80’s who had recently had a hip replacement and was in the facility for her rehabilitation treatment.  She was very ill for a while after the surgery since her body was having a hard time fighting off an infection that she had acquired.  Our “Saturday date” would consist of me picking her up to take to dialysis and a return trip later in the day.  I would always walk into her room and let out a cheerful “Good morning Amy!”  She would turn her head, smile and respond with a “Good morning handsome!”  Over the weeks, Amy and I ended up getting to know each other pretty well.  She would tell me stories about her children and ask me how my son was doing; she would even be upset if I missed a Saturday with her.  I was always happy to see how Amy’s health was improving; with each and every passing week, I was able to see great improvements.  Last week, Amy got to finally go home after weeks of rehabilitation.  This weekend, I came to work and found a card in my mail box from her; simply stating how happy she was to have me pick her up every weekend.  That gave me a feeling that no words can describe.
Amy is an example of a patient that I had the pleasure of getting to know well; this does not happen with them all.  Jeff was also an older gentleman in his early 80’s who had called us because of a fall in the middle of the night.  He had dislocated his shoulder and remained on the kitchen floor until the following morning because he did not want to bother us so late.  I must admit that Jeff did not look very good when I first saw him that morning; his skin was pale and cold from being on the kitchen floor all evening and was in a slight state of shock.  We got Jeff to the emergency room and left him in the capable hands of the attending physician, not knowing what would become of him.  Later that day, we were called back to the hospital to take Jeff home.  I walked into Jeff’s room and immediately noticed that he at least looked much better.  As I began to ask Jeff how he was feeling, a big smile came across his face; Jeff had not remembered the fact that we had picked him but, had remembered my voice.  He told me that the sound of my voice was reassuring to him and put him at ease; he said that he knew that everything would be alright because he could hear the concern for his well being in my voice.  He thanked me and began to cry; another example of why I love my weekend job.
Even though there are many patients that I remember, the one that I will remember the most is also the one who made me want to become an EMT to begin with.  I was actually working as an armed security officer in some of the “not so pleasant” neighborhoods of St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida.  Maria was a Russian immigrant who was also a diabetic.  I found her one night as I walked around an alley corner by her apartment complex; she had gone outside to empty her trash and could not remember her how to get home.  I asked her what her name was and received no more than a blank stare; I asked her where she lived and received nothing but a blank stare.  I could tell that Maria was in some sort of medical trouble since she was sweating excessively and didn’t even know her own name.  I immediately called for an ambulance and was told that she was going into diabetic shock and could have died if I had not found her.  After a can of coke and tube of glucose, Maria was feeling much better; the paramedic told her that I had found her and basically saved her life.  Every time that I worked that area, Maria would be sure to bring me something cold to drink and a snack at some point in the day; she told me that I was her hero. 
These are just a few examples of why I love to work in the emergency medical services field.  There are no words that can describe what it feels like to help another person in their time of need.  I have the privilege of helping every person that I meet in one way or another; it does not matter if I am performing patient care or driving the ambulance.  It is the small, unsolicited thank-you that makes it all worth it.  It is going to the grocery store and running into a patient feeling better that makes getting out of bed at three in the morning worth it.  I love my second job!

Contrast Exam Essay

                The debate went on for a good twenty minutes, from one person to another; not one person could agree.  The options really seemed endless and way too hard to choose on this particular day.  Each person was able to come up with their own idea, with very little agreement.  It looked like it could have been a very long afternoon.  My stomach growled and I thought that we would never decide on where to get lunch.  Would we be going to McDonalds or Burger King?  The concept is the same but, the differences are endless.  In the end, I throw my trash away in disappointment; there was such a work up for a meal that left me still feeling hungry and unsatisfied.
                The first major contrast in the two places would definitely have to be the French fries.  I think that the argument over who has the better fried potato wedge has been one of the biggest debates of the century.  I personally prefer Burger Kings fry over McDonalds.  Burger King fries have a crunchier outer shell and seem to be larger than McDonald’s fries; not to mention, hotter.  McDonalds just seem to be thinly cut, soft and always cold.  Besides, McDonalds does not give you the option of onion rings if you want to roll the dice and live a little bit!
                Burger King burgers are a million times better than McDonalds any day.  Take the Whopper for instance; it always has a freshly grilled taste and is complete with fresh vegetables such as lettuce tomato and lettuce.  The Big Mac at McDonalds tastes like it has been sitting in a pile of grease and under a heat lamp since the company was opened in 1940!  What is up with the secret sauce anyway?  At least come up with something other than Thousand Island dressing Ronald!  Did I mention the size of the burgers?  I am convinced that McDonalds has made up their own measurement system when weighing out their portions; quarter pounders are more like quarter ouncers!  I have never been upset with Burger Kings portion sizes.
                The last difference that I would like to point out is that Burger King food is made fresh to order and therefore, is always hot and fresh.  McDonald’s food will sit under the warmers for hours on end and soak in a pile of grease until someone finally gets around to putting it in an order.  I have never received a cold bag of food from Burger King but, will always seem to get a cold burger or fries from McDonalds.  The only thing that McDonalds has going for them is the McRib, and that is only once a year!
                I am sure that this makes me sound like I am a huge fast food eater but in reality, I am not.  I am actually sitting here awaiting that King character from the commercials to walk in the door with a giant check for my advertising and promoting of their brand.  At the end of the day, I will always choose Burger King over McDonalds if possible.  Sadly enough, my partner for the day won and we stopped at McDonalds for lunch.  I now know why I am throwing away my trash with an unsatisfied feeling and upset with my choice for lunch.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

King, Stephen. The Eyes of the Dragon. Chivers, 1988. Print.
This book is by far, my most favorite book of all times.  It is very rare that I find a book that I have a hard time putting down; even on subsequent readings.  I like this book because it is not like many of Stephen Kings other books.  This book breaks the thriller type stereotype and takes you back to the time of castles, kings and evil magicians.  Many names of characters from Stephen Kings other novels (i.e. Flagg) make an appearance here along with the names of Stephen Kings children.  Even if you are not a fan of Stephen King, I think that this book would give you a new appreciation for the diverse types of writings that he is capable of.

Goldfine, John. "Lecturette 2: Annotated Bibliographies." ENG 101-95 Fall '11., 21 Oct. 2011. Web. 01 Nov. 2011. <>.
This is an amazing website with all you need to know to be able to write and (hopefully) pass English 101!  This has been one of the most visited websites in my browser this semester and I hear that the author gives extra credit for the students that kiss up a little.  The lectures are posted in a way that are easy to follow and lists the assignments that are due in a clear way.  I just wish that it had and “auto-complete all homework” tab. All jokes aside, it has been a very helpful in many ways

Limmer, Daniel, Michael F. O'Keefe, and Edward T. Dickinson. Emergency Care. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. Print.
This is the textbook that we used when taking the Emergency Medical Technician course.  I found this textbook to be very helpful in the course (as it should be.)  The contents are laid out in a way that teach each chapter and section by many methods; there are charts, pictures, tables and even these fancy word things!  I find myself still referring back to this textbook every once in a while if I feel that I need a quick refreshment on a particular topic and have advised many students in the bookstore to keep it after their class is over for this exact purpose.  A new edition has been published but, this text still holds (almost) all you would ever need to know to become an entry level EMT.

Example Essay Intro

                The silence is broken by a loud tone coming from the black box that is clipped to everyone’s side; a familiar voice breaks in to give the next crew up an idea of where they are going and for what reason.  I close my laptop with a sense of frustration; my English 101 work will have to wait a little bit longer.  As my partner and I scurry across the parking lot to the garage, a few white speckles start falling from the sky; “I guess the weatherman was right” are the first words that are muttered from my partner after his brief nap.  We open the garage door, climb into the ambulance and hit the switch to activate our emergency lights and sirens; my adrenalin starts to pump as I mentally prepare myself for the call.  I love my second job for so many reasons!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Graf 19

I have a hard enough time coming up with ideas for an essay when given enough time to think about it; never mind having an hour or so to come up with an idea and bringing it to life.  For some reason, I am having an extremely hard time coming up with ideas that someone would actually care to read about.  I was able to just allow my fingers to do the work, without having to put much thought into it for a little while; not recently though.  I do not mind having to write about something if there is an assigned topic; that I can get creative with.  I feel that I just have way too much going on in my life right now and find it hard to concentrate.  This may be a horrible excuse but, I am sticking to it!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Exam Essay

                We never really expected to find her that day; we really only planned on getting a few odds and ends from the store.  Who could just walk by and not look at the piles of fur in the little cages anyway?  All rescued and in need of a good home; all with some story to tell on how and where they were found.  She was found in an abandoned house with her mother and siblings, only a few weeks old at the time.  As she lay there in the temporary cage that was set up by the rescue agency, she looks so pathetic.  Her big brown eyes could melt even the coldest of hearts; we knew right then that she was the one.  We ended up getting more than some bread that day; we ended up getting a new member of our family.  We are not sure as to what breed of dog Zoey is but, we do know that she has added so much to our family in character, entertainment and love.
                Zoey has added a new sort of character to our home.  We ensure that she goes with us wherever we go if possible.  Family and friends always are inquiring on how she is doing.  I can always count on Zoey meeting me at the door when I get home; her tail wagging and her body in a tremor of excitement.  I know that she will always fall asleep next to my side of the bed and will eventually decide to move into her bed when she is sure that Mom and Dad are safe and asleep.  On a hot summer day, I know that I can always find her either sunbathing in the yard or stretched out on the kitchen floor, enjoying the cold tiles on her stomach.  She is more than a dog; she is a member of our family.
                At five years old, Zoey still has the energy of a puppy.  Hours can be spent walking her in the yard or throwing a ball for her to fetch.  Good luck getting away from her if she brings you the tug rope.  I can always expect her to talk to me, using random noises that make sense only to her when she is excited and happy. She is the type of dog that always keeps you wondering on what she is going to do next.  I enjoy time spent with her; she is a true example of an animal being man’s best friend.  I have never owned a dog with such an entertaining personality.  Her antics are crazy, she is always great fun and she is more than just a dog; she is a member of our family.
                I am constantly amazed that the love and genuine concern that she always shows to us.  If you are sick, she will refuse to leave your side; your every move is carefully monitored by her watchful eye to ensure that you are doing well.  A bad day never seems so bad when she always seems to know that a hug is in order.  A head placed gently on your knee and a stare from her dark brown eyes can always brighten your day.  I was concerned about Zoey being jealous of Collin when we brought him home but she has been surprisingly attentive to the new addition to our family.  He cries and she is the first one to his side; she can often be seen taking a peek at him, just to make sure that he is doing well.  The love that she shows to me, even after she has received a scolding only proves that she is more than just a dog; she is family.
                I can understand why people say that dog owners tend to live a longer life.  Zoey has been an amazing friend to both me and my wife.  My wife often tells me that Zoey is what kept her sane while I was in Iraq.  I am not sure what would have happened if we had not decided to go to the store that day.  I do believe that she was meant to be our dog, that we needed her as much as she needed us.  There is no doubt in my mind that an animal can love, that they can change the lives of those that own them.  I am thankful that we were able to rescue her that day five years ago. I encourage anyone that is looking for a pet, to visit the local pounds and rescue agencies; these animals will truly show their gratitude to you for helping them.   I truly love that dog because of the fact that she is more than a dog; she is family

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Constrast Essay

                We were inseparable since we met in the eighth grade; we were the best of friends, even having the same first name.  Teachers always expected us to work on class projects together in middle school and even often referred to our duo as “Nick2.”  I suppose that was their way of being humorous at the time.  Our mutual friends always expected us to be hanging out together and simply called us by our last names in an attempt to avoid confusion over who they were speaking to.  By all standards, you would think that we were in a lot of ways, alike.  Most would assume this fact since we were such good friends.  In contrast however, we were two completely different people with completely opposite personalities, appearances and initiative for work and school.  I guess that the old saying “opposites attract” held true in this friendship.
                You would stand Nick and me next to each other and probably think that there would be no possible way that we could be best friends, based on presentation and appearance alone.  I was the jock who enjoyed the rush of Friday night lights and he was the skater that enjoyed the rush of getting drunk in the patch of woods behind the football field during the game.  Nick fit the stereotype of a skater with oversized, baggy pants, an extra large Adidas T-shirt, long hair that was tucked into a backward sitting baseball cap.  In contrast, I would enjoy a pair of jeans and shirt that actually fit; the standard stereotype of a jock.  Nick never cared about his outward appearance to everyone else, where I felt (and still do feel) that people actually do judge a book by its cover.  By the way we dressed and presented ourselves to the public was actually the least of our differences though.
                We contrasted even more in our ideas about work and school.  In high school, I waited tables in order to put gas in my car and go out on the weekend.  Nick on the other hand, decided that it was easier to work for his father when he felt like it and just steal money from them when he didn’t.  I had the desire to graduate high school; Nick had the desire to skip school whenever possible and see if he could beat his record from the previous school years record on how fast he could get expelled.  I soon came to the realization that I needed to do something more with my life and joined the Marine Corps; Nick decided that he needed to stay the way he was and ended up as a guest of the state in prison. 
                Nicks personality was one that many did not understand.  He was abrasive and crazy, never caring for many other people besides himself.  I wanted to be friends with everyone I met and was always looking for a way to help others.    I often wondered if I was his friend or babysitter since I would often have to be the voice of reason, his” Jimmity Cricket” to keep him out of trouble.  I would always be the one who had to think about the consequences of our actions and about how they would affect my future.  Nick was an instant gratification type if guy, living for the minute and not caring about what the future may or may not hold.  We were opposites but also best friends.
                I haven’t seen Nick in quite some time.  He could never understand why I did not want to hang out with him when I was a Recruiter for the Marine Corps.  He didn’t understand that it was because of the fact that I had grown up, where he never did.    I ended up joining the Marine Corps and he ended up in prison.  I ended up getting married and starting my own family, he still lives in his parent’s basement at thirty years old.  I think about our childhood friendship often; about how much we had been through growing up and feel bad about not keeping in touch. I guess that even though we were best friends growing up, the differences in our personalities, appearance and initiative ended being too much.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

ISearch Progress Report

               I have been thinking about my Isearch paper a lot lately.  I know that I have passed in the first three assignments about what it is, how much I know and what my plan of attack is.  It has been interesting in writing this paper.  I have in a way recorded Collins first two weeks of life in a sort of journal form but, am not sure how to incorporate it into my paper.  I have addressed the topics of about how I have dealt with sleep deprivation, diaper changes, feeding and doctors appointments.  I feel that I am keeping with my topic to an extent but, am not sure if I am heading in the ISearch direction again.  As of now, it seems that most of what I have is through real life, research and living my topic. I should be able to find a way to pull everything together but, still have to find written topics to use as sources. 

Contrast Intro 2

                We were best friends since middle school and spent a majority of our time together, we were inseparable.  We did everything together from taking the same classes in school to hanging out at each other’s house on the weekends; we even shared the same first name.  Our friends often expected us to be seen together and often thought that it was weird if one or the other was not around.  Even though Nick and I were best friends, we were the exact opposite in many ways.  Some people actually found it strange that two people that were so opposite could be such good friends.  How could two different people with such contrasting personalities, ambition and appearance be best friends?  Can people who are so different stay friends in the long run?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Classification Essay

                I think about the last time that I had to make that decision; how long did it take?   A decision made even harder since I was at a place that you have never been.  I take that first sip and feel the frosty adult beverage of choice slide down the back of my throat; I grin and let out the familiar “Ahhhh” of approval.  This had to have been one of the hardest decisions that I have made in a very long time with what seemed liked hours spent staring at the menu, tap levers and bottles lined neatly up and displayed on the bar wall.  The choices seem endless when I think back on it; regular, light or a dark micro-brewed.  To some, the choice is relatively simple because they know what they want and like.  However, I was stuck in a rut of ordering the same old beverage and not daring to go out on the edge, roll the dice and live a little in my selection. I have unselfishly researched and sampled many different beverages of the adult type in my years in the Marines; all to help get a better understanding of the options available.  The samples were painstakingly sampled in many different states and even countries as far away as Spain, Japan and Aruba, only to name a few.  Even though many of your opinions and particular tastes may vary, this is what I have found that I like for beer.
                I originally did not like the taste of beer when I started to “experiment” with alcohol in high school.  The taste just seemed to turn my stomach and leave the most unpleasant aftertaste in the back of my throat.  Besides, it seemed like it took a million and one of those urine colored drinks with bubbles to allow me to reach my goal; to get as messed up as I could, on the least amount of cash.  I started to drink the light beers after I discovered Natural Light.  Yup, it tasted like skunk piss smelled but for around what I could scrape up in change, I was able to get a case.  That case, if cold could be chugged, shot gunned and forced down my throat at any given party.  This was my period of unrefined taste.  Not only does light beer taste completely watered down or tend to have no taste, it also causes me to wake up the next morning with the feeling that a bear had taken a number two in my mouth the evening before.  In short; light beer either has no taste or tastes like crap, it leaves a horrible aftertaste and leaves you with a headache the next morning.  This tends to hold true of all the light beer that I have sampled throughout the world.  My thoughts are that the lighter the beer is, the nastier.  What self respecting man cares how many calories their beer has anyway?
                A small step up from light beer is well, regular beer.  We all are probably the most familiar with this category.  What teenager did not snag a Budweiser from their old mans refrigerator in the garage?  I have found that this particular category does actually have some decent samples though.  One of the best that I have tasted was discovered on my honeymoon in Aruba.  Balashi is a regular beer that has won numerous gold medals in worldwide beer competitions.  It is made from desalinated sea water and holds a similar taste of Heineken (decent in itself) but, without the aftertaste in the back of your throat.  Regular beer can be dry (like most Japanese beers) or hold the standard of most of the beers that can be purchased at any gas station here in the good old United States.  I feel that this category has been overdone and over carbonated; leaving the consumer with gas and an unfortunate trip to the porcelain throne in the early hours with an aggravating hangover.  Sadly, this is the category that most people find to be the best.  This type of beer is a little more expensive than the light but, also has a slight advantage in taste.
                Now the third category of beers is by far my favorite category.  From the many tastes that can be enjoyed in our local brewery here in Bangor, Maine to a warm and inviting Guinness in Shannon, Ireland after a long tour in Iraq; micro-brewed, dark beers are by far the best out there.  The options are really limitless and my only boundaries end up being my own taste preferences for the night.  There are Micro-Brews, Lagers and stouts; all separate categories within a category itself.  All tastes of their own and unique to the locations they are brewed.  Dark beers have a certain taste that will hit you when you take that first sip.  It is a taste that says “I am not like any other brew!”  To me, this type of beer shows to the world the fact that you are in yourself, bold; you are dignified and have unique tastes.  There is even a set of rules for some micro-brews as to how they should be served. These beverages cannot even be considered a beer since they are in a class of their own.  I find that I will pay more for such a beverage but, I will gain the world in taste and satisfaction.  No headaches, hangovers, gas or nights spend hugging the throne with a micro-brewed dark beer.  
                When the day is done and you scoot up to the bar, it is really up to you on what you will ask the barkeep to pour.  Will it be the same old mundane beer that you have been drinking since snagging it from your parents as a teen or will you live out on the edge.  Remember my cautions when you stop at the local 7-Eleven on your way home and  consider a six back of suds; will it be the same old skunk brew or perhaps be something new?  Light beers leave me unsatisfied in the end, regular beers are OK but don’t hold a candle to the Micro-Brew. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Contrast Intro 1

            We were inseparable since we met in the eighth grade; we were the best of friends, even having the same first name.  Teachers always expected us to work on class projects together in middle school and even often referred to our duo as “Nick2.”  I suppose that was their way of being humorous at the time.  Our mutual friends always expected us to be hanging out together and simply called us by our last names in an attempt to avoid confusion over who they were speaking to.  By all standards, you would think that we were in a lot of ways, alike.  Most would assume this fact since we were such good friends.  In contrast however, we were two completely different people with completely opposite personalities.  I guess that the old saying “opposites attract” held true in this friendship.

Alt. Classification Intro (revised)

I am hoping that this is more of the direction that I am supposed to go in!

      I think about the last time that I had to make that decision; how long did it take?   A decision made even harder since I was at a place that you have never been.  I take that first sip and feel the frosty adult beverage of choice slide down the back of my throat; I grin and let out the familiar “Ahhhh” of approval.  This had to have been one of the hardest decisions that I have made in a very long time with what seemed liked hours spent staring at the menu, tap levers and bottles lined neatly up and displayed on the bar wall.  The choices seem endless when I think back on it; regular, light or a dark micro-brewed.  To some, the choice is relatively simple because they know what they want and like.  However, I was stuck in a rut of ordering the same old beverage and not daring to go out on the edge, roll the dice and live a little in my selection. I have unselfishly researched and sampled many different beverages of the adult type in my years in the Marines; all to help get a better understanding of the options available.  The samples were painstakingly sampled in many different states and even countries as far away as Spain, Japan and Aruba, only to name a few.  Even though many of your opinions and particular tastes may vary, this is what I have found that I like for beer.

Classification Essay alternate Intro 1

               Think about the last time that you had to make that decision; how long did it take?   A decision made even harder if you were at a place that you have never been.  As you take that first sip and that frosty adult beverage of choice slides down the back of your throat, you grin and let out the familiar “Ahhhh” of approval.  This had to have been one of the hardest decisions that you have made in a very long time with what seemed liked hours spent staring at the menu, tap levers or bottles lined neatly up and displayed on the bar wall.  The choices seem endless when you think about it; regular, light or a dark micro-brewed.  To some of us, the choice is relatively simple because we know what we want and like.  However, there are those stuck in a rut of ordering the same old beverage and not daring to go out on the edge, roll the dice and live a little in their selection.  As long as you are of legal drinking age, your options are limitless.  I have unselfishly researched and sampled many different beverages of the adult type beverages in my years in the Marines; all to help you better understand the options available.  The samples were painstakingly sampled in many different states and even countries as far away as Spain, Japan and Aruba, only to name a few.  Sit back, relax and enjoy since I have come up with an abbreviated guide to help you make an informed decision the next time you must make that mind bending decision on what to drink.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Classification Outro

                   So in the end, it is really up to the individual on what is comfortable and practical for them.  There are ones that hold you tight, some that let you go and some that fall somewhere in between the other two.    How will you know when you found the one?  Well, you will just know when you have found your match.  I must give you a fair warning though; there will be some that chafe, some that ride and some that even seem to cut off all circulation.  These are the risks that must be risked, the trials that must be tried in order to find the one; the perfect undergarment for men.  Happy hunting guys!

Classification Essay intro 2

                Briefs, Boxers or Boxer Briefs of my!  What is with all the different choices out there for men’s undergarments?  Underwear is underwear, right?  These are three completely different types of men’s undergarments that we all have to make a decision on at some point.  We even may find ourselves changing from one to another for different activities or events.  What’s the deal?  What’s the difference?  From the first fig leaf to the latest product supported by a group of man sized, talking fruit; this concept has changed throughout the ages.  Let us step into the world of men’s comfort and maybe even fashion to figure out the big mystery of which one is better.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Classification Essay Intro 1

               Every guy has had the experience of standing in their favorite department stores men’s department and staring at a shelf lined with different types of men’s underwear.  What is the benefit of wearing one type over the other?  Is one more comfortable than the other?  There is the regular type of underwear, boxers and boxer briefs; not to mention a zillion different brands.  I guess that we should be thankful to be men though; have you ever seen the feminine hygiene aisle in the local supermarket?  So, is one type really better for than others in certain situations?  The world may really never know but, I will go over the three types and try to answer an age old question that dates back to the times of our great ancestors; Tighty Whities, Boxers or Boxer Briefs?

Classification Essays

                Classification essays seem simple enough to write; the hard part for me lately is thinking about what I want to write about.  Take a subject and break it into sub categories that are considered classifications of that subject or product, right?  As I write this reaction, I am attempting to brainstorm ideas in my head.  I am contemplating a classification essay on the different brands of diapers since it is a new and confusing subject to me right now.  The hard part is deciding how I want to classify them.  Do I classify them according to price, comfort for baby or how well each one absorbs?  Now, I would have no ways of researching each brand or type without having them here!  We will see what I can come up with!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cause Essay

            I stare at my laptop screen as the cursor blinks in almost excited anticipation to do its job; nothing happens. My mind wanders off in a million different directions, unable to concentrate on the task at hand. How did I allow myself to get into this situation? I feel a bit of nausea building in my stomach and my heart begins to pump faster. I am so far behind in my English 101 work that it is making me sick from stress. I think about it more and understand why I am where I am!
I can remember her telling me that she was pregnant; many things flashed through my head at the time.  I just figured that I have plenty of time to do what needs to be done.  At first, that was really the case; it changed has the time for her to deliver our son grew near though.  Soon, my time was spent on preparing his nursery, folding small clothes and allowing my mind to drift off in daydreams about what he would be like and school work just seemed to not happen.  This daydreaming and lack of concentration quickly pushed me into an ever growing pile of backed up English 101 work.  How was I ever going to catch up? 
I can still hear her warning me when I accepted the positions.  “I am worried that having too many jobs will interfere with your school work” she said.  With a quick roll of my eyes I replied with a simple “Don’t worry about me, I’ve got this!”  I was already working as the Assistant Manager at our wonderful campus bookstore when I was offered the other jobs; it wasn’t like I needed to accept them.  I had actually applied to both jobs around the same time; well before I was offered my current position.  These were the jobs that I really wanted to do and I would be crazy if I declined the offers.  Emergency medicine is what I dream of and I suddenly had offers to work for two ambulance companies.  To say the least, I was excited!  I started to work per diem shifts on weekends for one service and was hired as an on-call EMT for the other.  All that I needed was enough calls to be “cleared” off the preceptor program and hired as a full time employee so that I could ditch the store gig.  I started in with all three jobs, fully intending to keep strong in school also; I am wondering if my wife may have been right.  I take my laptop to work on the weekend with full intent of getting caught up, only to spend the whole day on calls.  I take my laptop out at home, only to hear my pager go off for an emergency somewhere in town.  Keep in mind; I am attempting to do this after I have worked a full day already or a full week.  How am I ever going to catch up?
To keep up with a theme, I will go back to my wife warning me not to do something; and me not listening!  She had told me that it would be a very hard fall semester if I took too many classes.  She had reminded me that our son would soon be born and that I already worked three separate jobs.  “I am worried that your grades will slip; maybe only a few classes this semester” she had warned.  Again, I rolled my eyes and responded with a simple, “Don’t worry, I can do this!”  When will I learn that wives can sometimes be right?  I decided to take as many courses that my free time would possibly allow.  Besides, it would take me a million years to graduate if I only took one or two courses per semester.  This was simple enough reasoning for me to an almost full-time course load.  What is an extra on-line English class anyway?  If I had only known what I was getting myself into by signing up for that extra course, things may not be at the point that they are today.  I already had way too many things going on in my life and probably could have held off on signing up for that last minute English 101 class.  How am I ever going to catch up?
           In a nutshell; I am a nutshell right now! I guess that I should have listened to my wife when she tried to warn me that I was taking on too much at once. I have a million and one things happening in my life that I am having a hard time concentrating on school work.  I am told that all hard work will eventually pay off in the long run; I sure hope so. Three jobs, an almost full course load and a newborn about to bless my home have kept me busier than I would like.  There are not enough hours in the day or enough of me to go around. It helps to take a minute to step back and re-evaluate what is going on. It doesn’t really help to realize that things will only get harder before they get easier though. My son is almost here and it appears that I will never get any sleep, I have way too many jobs and there are not enough hours in the day to do what needs to be done. My life is hectic and crazy as can be. However, this is my life and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Monday, October 10, 2011

What do I already know?

               What do I already know about being a father, surviving the first few months and the tricks of ensuring that I am getting plenty of rest, without ignoring the rest of my life?  That is a darn good question!  Many have told me to ensure that Mom and Dad are resting when baby is resting.  Great advice until you find out that baby sleeps all day; when you have to answer to your daily life.  There have been many tips from those who have joined the wonderful world of parenthood before me; all will be taken at face value at first.  I mean, what is good for the goose is not necessarily always good for the gander.  I am a new Dad and will need to take this whole thing day by day and night by night.  I don’t know a whole lot about being a parent and am hoping that “instinct” will take over.  Is there even such thing has fathers intuition?  We will find out!  This paper is dedicated to my son, Collin.  He is the complete motivation for this research because; I truly do not feel like I know a single thing!


       To keep up with a theme, I will go back to my wife warning me not to do something; and me not listening!  She had told me that it would be a very hard fall semester if I took too many classes.  She had reminded me that our son would soon be born and that I already worked three separate jobs.  “I am worried that your grades will slip; maybe only a few classes this semester” she had warned.  Again, I rolled my eyes and responded with a simple, “Don’t worry, I can do this!”  When will I learn that wives can sometimes be right?  I decided to take as many courses that my free time would possibly allow.  Besides, it would take me a million years to graduate if I only took one or two courses per semester.  This was simple enough reasoning for me to an almost full-time course load.  What is an extra on-line English class anyway?  If I had only known what I was getting myself into by signing up for that extra course, things may not be at the point that they are today.  I already had way too many things going on in my life and probably could have held off on signing up for that last minute English 101 class.  How am I ever going to catch up?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Meta Graf

                I sit here awake for the third night in a row, my four day old son asleep next to me; sure to wake up for some comfort at any minute.  I have told Mommy that I have it covered, Collin is content and I really need to get caught up on some English 101 work.  I ponder over what I really need to do and remember that I am still at the point of needing to get caught up on my cause essay.  I remember that I had done some work on it the night that Angie had gone into labor but, had neglected to post them on my blog.  “F@$%!“ I mumbled under my breath, I was already behind to begin with…F@$%!  I feel a little comfort as I remember that I have the next week off to get caught up; I laugh as my son grunts and what seems like a large amount of built up air escapes from one side or the other of his seven pound body.  I make some last minute changes and stare at the screen, not sure if I am even happy with what I see before me.  I do a quick spell check and then paste my work into my English 101 blog just in time to catch a slight odor in the air and hear the slowly building cry of Collin.  Can you guess what side of him the air escaped from?

Cause 3

         I can still hear her warning me when I accepted the positions.  “I am worried that having too many jobs will interfere with your school work” she said.  With a quick roll of my eyes I replied with a simple “Don’t worry about me, I’ve got this!”  I was already working as the Assistant Manager at our wonderful campus bookstore when I was offered the other jobs; it wasn’t like I needed to accept them.  I had actually applied to both jobs around the same time; well before I was offered my current position.  These were the jobs that I really wanted to do and I would be crazy if I declined the offers.  Emergency medicine is what I dream of and I suddenly had offers to work for two ambulance companies.  To say the least, I was excited!  I started to work per diem shifts on weekends for one service and was hired as an on-call EMT for the other.  All that I needed was enough calls to be “cleared” off the preceptor program and hired as a full time employee so that I could ditch the store gig.  I started in with all three jobs, fully intending to keep strong in school also; I am wondering if my wife may have been right.  I take my laptop to work on the weekend with full intent of getting caught up, only to spend the whole day on calls.  I take my laptop out at home, only to hear my pager go off for an emergency somewhere in town.  Keep in mind; I am attempting to do this after I have worked a full day already or a full week.  How am I ever going to catch up?

Cause 2

       I can still hear her warning me when I accepted the positions.  “I am worried that having too many jobs will interfere with your school work” she said.  With a quick roll of my eyes I replied with a simple “Don’t worry about me, I’ve got this!”  I was already working as the Assistant Manager at our wonderful campus bookstore when I was offered the other jobs; it wasn’t like I needed to accept them.  I had actually applied to both jobs around the same time; well before I was offered my current position.  These were the jobs that I really wanted to do and I would be crazy if I declined the offers.  Emergency medicine is what I dream of and I suddenly had offers to work for two ambulance companies.  To say the least, I was excited!  I started to work per diem shifts on weekends for one service and was hired as an on-call EMT for the other.  All that I needed was enough calls to be “cleared” off the preceptor program and hired as a full time employee so that I could ditch the store gig.  I started in with all three jobs, fully intending to keep strong in school also; I am wondering if my wife may have been right.  I take my laptop to work on the weekend with full intent of getting caught up, only to spend the whole day on calls.  I take my laptop out at home, only to hear my pager go off for an emergency somewhere in town.  Keep in mind; I am attempting to do this after I have worked a full day already or a full week.  How am I ever going to catch up?

Cause 1

         I can remember her telling me that she was pregnant; many things flashed through my head at the time.  I just figured that I have plenty of time to do what needs to be done.  At first, that was really the case; it changed has the time for her to deliver our son grew near though.  Soon, my time was spent on preparing his nursery, folding small clothes and allowing my mind to drift off in daydreams about what he would be like and school work just seemed to not happen.  This daydreaming and lack of concentration quickly pushed me into an ever growing pile of backed up English 101 work.  How was I ever going to catch up? 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My research plan

                My plan for researching this paper will be very proactive over the next few months.  I will be living my research as I write this paper and be answering questions based on experience as well as research.  I have numerous relatives and friends that have had children, all of which had their own unique experiences when dealing with issues of parenthood; these people will be a wealth of knowledge and wisdom.  Luckily for me, there are also many books that have been written by so called “experts” in parenting.  This information should be of great use; after all, these are experts.  I will be talking to my pediatrician about many issues that range from immunizations and feeding schedules to colds and colic.  Everyone who has had a child of their own is a potential source for this paper and there are many magazines that are directed towards new fathers such as me.  This will be a great experience and opportunity to ensure that I am doing all I can to be a great father and husband.


            Picture it…Bath, Maine…August 3rd, 1979; a baby is heard crying throughout the maternity ward.  I enter this world at 4:30 pm at eight pounds and twenty-two inches long; my mother weeps in joy as I am placed on her chest and fall contently back to sleep.  Yup, my first experience with child birth was my own; what a long day that was!  Since then, I have seen friends and relatives bring bundles of pooping and peeing joy into this world; Every kid with a personality of his/her own and every kid with a different story to tell.  I would like to say that I am real good with children.  I hold them, they poop and I give them back to their parents!  I hold them, they cry and I give them back to their parents!  They come to visit, I get a headache and they go back to their parents!  I “thought” that I had this kid care thing all figured out.  Nine months ago that all changed.  I can no longer give the screaming, pooping child back to his parents; I am the parent.  I am told that I was an evenly tempered baby; I didn’t cry a whole lot and slept through the night earlier than my brother did.  Can I get that lucky?  I don’t have the experience with children that some have when becoming parents.  I am thankful that my wife had watched her young cousins for most of their infant lives.  I am so glad that she knows what to do.  Everyone tries to pass on their own nuggets of wisdom as to what it takes to be a father; everyone tells you exactly what to expect.  I wish it was that simple!  My background is that I was a baby and have known some babies in my life.  I am a novice parent, a beginner to say the least.  My wife and I will find for ourselves what it takes to be parents.  I will find for myself what works to combat sleep deprivation, colic and the other challenges of parenthood.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

New ISearch Motivation

            It has almost been nine months since my dog walked up to me with a something hanging off her tag.  “Mommy is having a baby” was written on a sticky note hanging off her tag; mommy peaking around the corner with a smile on her face.  I don’t think that I could have been any happier; I am going to be a “Dad!”  Wow, has my life already changed and it has been a journey already.  What do I need to do to get ready?  This has been a question that has haunted me for months now.  I have scraped, painted and put together baby furniture; I feel like I have literally lost my mind at points.  My motivation for this paper is my son.  I am determined to figure out what I need to do in order t0 be a good father to Collin.  I imagine that there are questions that I will not be able to answer with research, only experience.  I will give it my all though; I will not fail my son.  I want to know the following:

1)     What should I expect in the first few months?

2)    Is there any important things that need to be done to get ready for him?

3)    What can I do to help stimulate brain development and growth?

4)    What are some tips to survive the sleep deprivation?